The Student Direct Stream for China, India, Vietnam and the Philippines
Immigrating, Refuges and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is promoting Canada as a prime study destination for international students looking for a quality education by introducing the Student Direct Stream (SDS). The Student Direct Stream will support the growth of study permit applications and to improve processing times; SDS is available to students applying to study from China, India, Vietnam and the Philippines.
To qualify for SDS, students must be accepted at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. In addition, students must satisfy key criteria including proof that the applicant has:
- tuition payment for the first year of study at a DLI
- a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000
- completed a medical examination
- graduated from a Canadian-curriculum high school or a qualifying language score of at least a 6 for English (IELTS)
The SDS compliments the Express Entry system as students will be on a path to permanent residency and citizenship after successful completion of their studies in Canada.